Posts tagged ‘Etsy’

i love you more than squirrels

Are you kidding me?! I’m not sure how I’m surviving without this print in my house.

September 20, 2011 at 10:38 am Leave a comment

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Happy Weekend, lovelies! This beach photo from less than a week ago (!) really seems crazy to me as we’ve had frost/freeze warnings the last couple nights here in northern Michigan and we’ve rediscovered our fleece jackets and sock drawers again. Summery summer is over. How do you feel about that? I love wearing a scarf, so I’m in heaven…

I realized that it’s been a long time since I did a Friday “click on,” so here goes… Some fun places for you to get lost in ye ole Cyberspace this weekend. Enjoy!

What’s been blowing your skirt up lately? Send me a link. XO

September 16, 2011 at 10:18 am 4 comments

sunhat AND a bib!

Lovelies, you’ve got to check this out. I wrote about Roen Design earlier this summer in regards to their Leelanau Peninsula kids clothing and Roen Design just released their newest product: a sunhat and bib in one! Not only is it pure genius, it’s a-door-bell too, isn’t it? I told Forest of Roen Design that I am not usually a bib-using Mom, especially when we’re out-and-about, but if it were built in to something else, then I would be more likely to use one (instead of relying on my stain stick…). Would you? Have you ever seen anything like this?

You can get your hat/bib combo right here.

August 2, 2011 at 8:21 am Leave a comment

summer’s coolest cotton: Roen Design

A friend of mine launched a great kid’s clothing line this past year: Roen Design. I’m especially loving the Leelanau County map pieces, as seen above. Some are handmade like the dress and some are upcycled items like the darling collared shirt. You can find Forest’s unique designs at some of the Leelanau County farmer’s markets this summer or contact her with a custom order through her Etsy shop. Congratulations, Forest!

June 30, 2011 at 2:37 pm Leave a comment

I had to

I didn’t really have a choice, did I? I *had* to get this shirt for the little birdie. An adorable squirrel on an orange shirt for $6. Um, OK. What a fun Etsy squirrel find, no? Thanks, Kitschy Home! There are more cute designs too: hedgehog or owl, anyone?

Don’t you just love Etsy? When’s the last time you got lost in that wonderland, lovelies?

March 7, 2011 at 10:30 am 2 comments

aah, Etsy. How I love thee.

I love this poster by Dear Colleen I saw on Etsy this afternoon. Don’t you? It makes me (almost) want to spruce my printing press back up and get cranking in all my, err, spare time…

July 19, 2010 at 1:44 pm 1 comment

today’s thought

Good morning, lovelies. How are you today? Here’s a little thought that made me smile this morning.

July 13, 2010 at 6:36 am 2 comments

Michigan pride pillow?

Hey all you Michigan lovers, don’t you just heart this Michigan pillow? I would put the heart a little further north and west, but that’s just me… what do you think? Where would your heart be sewn?

Love, California makes all sorts of state pillows in custom colors. Check ’em out! Kitschy and fun, no?

June 22, 2010 at 9:16 am 7 comments

a serious Sunday squirrel

It’s been a while since I posted a fun Etsy squirrel find so here’s a serious one for your Sunday morning. I can’t help but laugh at a portrait of a squirrel in a suit. You?

June 6, 2010 at 7:53 am 2 comments

Dig for Victory

While on the one hand I’m immeasurably happier when there’s a full bag of pretzels in the cupboard, our nest is consciously trying to eat whole foods, more locally grown produce and cook most days of the week instead of going out to eat. We’re also working on getting the garden going too so I’m inspired by the timeless nature of this quote from 70+ years ago: “We want not only the big man with the plough but the little man with the spade to get busy this autumn. Let ‘Dig for Victory’ be the motto of everyone with a garden,” – Rob Hudson, Minister for Agriculture, in October 1939.

So this Etsy find appeals to my sensibilities. It’s a new design based on a US Food Administration poster from the World Wars. Have room in your kitchen for it?

I’m equally as smitten by this t-shirt, which is based on a Depression-era design as well. What do you think, dear readers? Although it comes in other colors, isn’t this green the best choice?

How’s your Victory Garden coming along? Mine is WAY behind or maybe these 90+ days are making me feel like it and I’m OK. I noticed LOTS of starts at the farmer’s market this past weekend, which made me smile. Don’t you love the hope that’s embodied in the first leaves of a musk melon? Cheers, lovelies!

May 26, 2010 at 4:38 pm 2 comments

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good coffee, fresh snow, Lake Michigan in August, swimming pools, marzipan, babies & puppies, maps, Scandinavian design, learning, ashtanga yoga, color, zinfandel, postcards, succulents, new pencils, collecting old globes, digging in the dirt. My favorite German words: Quatsch u. Balaststoffe.

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